The Coalition of Small Rental Property Owners is a growing grassroots alliance of “mom-and-pop” property owners advocating for the rights of small rental housing providers and the viability of the rental housing industry. Our Coalition is made up of mostly black and brown “mom and pop” owners who provide safe housing to renters primarily in the City of Los Angeles. The Coalition formed organically in response to the Los Angeles Eviction Moratorium that went into effect on March 28, 2020 due to COVID-19. After a telephone conversation between two neighbors who both live and own small properties in South LA, they invited a few of their friends who own rental property in the area to join a virtual meeting via Zoom to discuss the matter further. The meeting convened during the first week of April 2020 with 7 small property owners, and now the Coalition has a roster of nearly 150 members and counting.
Watch our video below that focuses on how small rental property owners are essential to maintaining affordable housing and wealth building in BIPOC (black indigenous people of color) communities, and highlights the collaborative relationship between “mom and pop” landlords and our renters.